تأثیر برنامج تعلیمي باستخدام الأسلوب التبادلي في تعلم بعض المھارات الأساسیة بكرة القدم


  • قيصر عبدالسادة زريجي, م.م


المھارات الاساسیة- كرة القدم, تعلم, الأسلوب التبادلي, برنامج تعلیمي


The study aimed to build an educational program using the method Albadla to learn regardless Almkharat basic football as a way of new educational research community has Mnlab first grade average of Islam revolution Ahdymdarc School Educational third Rusafa Baghdad province for the academic year 2013-2014 be Ddhm of 136 students divided into four people the research sample was selected at random from Divisions (b, c) to be the two groups Experimental and control group and by 20 students per group researcher has used the experimental method to solve the problem of the research has been assumed researcher presence of statistically significant differences were significant differences between the experimental group that used the style cross and the control group used the traditional method, use the arithmetic mean researcher, standard deviation and test (T ) of the samples corresponding non-independent statistical Maagath The most prominent results and no statistically significant significant differences between the collection of the experimental group students and the control and the experimental group to learn some basic skills of football as the researcher recommended the need to use the interactive method of teaching and other sports skills and apply it to different samples.

Author Biography

  • قيصر عبدالسادة زريجي, م.م

    الجامعة المستنصریة / كلیة الإدارة الاقتصاد
    وحدة التربیة الریاضیة




How to Cite

زريجي ق. ع. (2015). تأثیر برنامج تعلیمي باستخدام الأسلوب التبادلي في تعلم بعض المھارات الأساسیة بكرة القدم. Modern Sport, 14(2), 19. https://jcopew.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/sport/article/view/191