The Impact of Virtual Reality Training Curriculum on Some Physical Abilities of Young Table Tennis Players
Virtual Reality Exercises, Physical Abilities, Young Table Tennis PlayersAbstract
The significance of this research lies in understanding the impact of virtual reality exercises and their role in developing certain physical abilities in young table tennis players within the training process. This understanding is based on the principles that every coach must consider in training and competitions. This includes selecting the type of exercises, the implementation method, or the effects of using different exercises. Through this, players can reach higher athletic levels and achieve good results. The objectives of the study include developing a training program for virtual and real-world exercises that are tailored to the abilities of the table tennis player sample. Additionally, the study aims to identify the impact of the program, designed according to virtual and real-world settings, on certain physical abilities of table tennis players. The research problem arose as the researchers observed training units specific to table tennis and found a lack of reliance on modern training methods that could significantly and visibly advance the development of the sport and its players. In particular, methods that utilize modern training tools and aids, as well as electronic technologies employed by the modern world, were underutilized. Among these modern technologies is the use of exercises that incorporate virtual training reality, in addition to the real one, and the integration between them. The study seeks to understand the extent of the impact of this reality, used in a scientific and precise manner, on the physical abilities of the players. Therefore, the researchers decided to address this training gap scientifically and precisely by developing a training program based on scientific exercises that include both virtual and real-world aspects. The impact of these exercises within this modern training approach, which is adopted by the contemporary world, on the physical abilities of emerging table tennis players was examined. The aim was to serve table tennis coaches and academies in our country with this program. The researchers employed the experimental method to suit the study's problem, and the research population was identified as young table tennis players for the 2022-2023 sports season. The study sample consisted of 20 players, divided into two groups: 10 players in the experimental group and 10 players in the control group. Following this, the main experiment was conducted to obtain and statistically analyze the study's results. The researchers concluded that the use of virtual reality exercises contributed positively to improving the physical abilities of the experimental group. The experimental group, which utilized the program designed with virtual reality technology, outperformed the control group, which used traditional methods (verbal explanation and practical demonstration), in terms of physical abilities variables, and this achieves one of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations in Iraq which is (Quality Education). In light of these conclusions, the researchers recommend the necessity of using virtual reality due to its proven positive impact on the physical performance level of the research sample, as demonstrated by the results of this study. They also emphasize the importance of considering the differences in physical characteristics among children when teaching various physical abilities.
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