تأثیر تمرینات الیوغا على القوة العضلیة للاعبات التایكوندوا لنادي العربي الریاضي


  • شيماء رضا علي


یوغا, تایكوندو, القوة العضلیة


The research contained five sections: Part I –
Introduction to search Included this section provided and the importance of research as it was addressed to the fitness and its importance in life were identified yoga as an exercise of the exercises the physical require flexibility, strength, balance, and is known to all it also includes deep breathing, relaxation and meditation, and they key aspects of yoga (Hatha ) although it is not everything, desire to better health and relaxation easier is the fundamental reason that drives most people to practice yoga in the first place was to address the muscle power and the relationship of yoga by force so evident the importance of research in the use of exercises yoga doses codified and its impact on the increased power muscle.
And summarized the research problem that the existence of any defect in the muscle strength lead to a decline in the level of general fitness and then in the level of overall performance of the players Altaikundoa, and because the force of the important elements in this game, ie when there is muscle power of good can be resolved with the problem of poor fitness physical and therefore the player will achievement, so had to search for a suitable platform to strengthen the muscle power yoga in a way. The researcher felt that the use of the modern way in the application of yoga exercises to explore the impact on muscle strength in an attempt to test out the results of a positive benefit in the future. The objective of this research to: -
1 - Prepare the sport of yoga exercises especially adapted to the research sample. 2 - Identify the impact of yoga exercises in the muscle strength of the taekwondo team players Faculty of Physical Education for Girls. And the imposition of research: - There are significant differences between the tests before and after impact as a result of yoga exercises on the muscle strength of the taekwondo team players Faculty of Physical Education for Girls. Included research on a sample of players taekwondo team College of Physical Education for Girls and applied research in the specified period from 10/10/2010 until 12/30/2010 in the fitness room at the Faculty of Physical Education for

Author Biography

  • شيماء رضا علي

    كلیة التربیة الأساسیة /الجامعة المستنصریة
    قسم التربیة الریاضیة




How to Cite

علي ش. ر. (2014). تأثیر تمرینات الیوغا على القوة العضلیة للاعبات التایكوندوا لنادي العربي الریاضي. Modern Sport, 13(2), 13. https://jcopew.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/sport/article/view/276