تأثیر المنھج المتبع في اداء التشكیلة الحركیة باستخدام الطوق وفقا للجانب المسیطر للدماغ


  • ميساء نديم احمد, م.د


طوق, طرائق, ایقاعي


The problemof the research require answerson the following questions:
1. What the type of the controlling side in the brain to the students of the fourth stage in rhythmic gymnastics curriculum .
2. What the effect of the followed approach in the performance of Kinetic Assortment by using the Ring in rhythmic gymnastics according to the controlling side in the brain?
The research aims to :
- Identifying the controlling side of the brain to the students of the fourth stage at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls / University of Baghdad.
- Identifying the impact of the followed approach in the performance of Kinetic Assortment by using the ring at the fourth stage students.
The researcher used the experimental method due to its suitability with the research problem . The research field was the fourth stage students for the academic year 2013 – 2014, and their number (201) students,the total sample (40)studentsdivided into two experimental groupsat a rate of (20) students per groupbeen distributed according to the controlling side in the brain .In addition, to the methods of collecting information and the equipment and tools which used . Also , before and after tests the implementation of the curriculum and statistical methods, as the researcher used the SPSS for statistical data processing.
The researcher reached to the following conclusions:
1. The followed approach positive effect on the performance of the Kinetic Assortment.
2. The effectiveness of controlling the left side of the brain in the performance of the Kinetic Assortment.
The effect of the approach taken in the performance of the motor line using the ring according to the dominant side of the brain(
Based research problem in answering the following questions:
1-What type dominant side of the brain to the students of the fourth stage in rhythmic gymnastics material?




How to Cite

احمد م. ن. (2014). تأثیر المنھج المتبع في اداء التشكیلة الحركیة باستخدام الطوق وفقا للجانب المسیطر للدماغ. Modern Sport, 13(4), 15. https://jcopew.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/sport/article/view/245