Adaptation strategies management and its role in the integration people with disabilities into the Iraqi National Paralympic Committee
Adaptation Strategies , Integration of the people with disabilities , Paralympic CommitteeAbstract
The management of adaptation strategies is considered one of the most important pillars from which people with special needs start towards practicing various sports activities in proportion to their physical abilities, attitudes and inclinations, in a way that enhances their social standing and makes them an effective element in their environment. The work of the Iraqi National Paralympic Committee is perhaps to support this important segment in society both technically and administratively. The research dealt with the impact and the relationship of these two variables, and the researcher attempted to present a practical analytical framework for the opinions of a selected sample of disabled players who answered to the management of adaptation strategies scale (independent variable), and the workers of the Iraqi National Paralympic Committee who answered the scale of integration of people with disabilities (dependent variable), and the relationship and impact between the variables result from understanding the methodology of improvement and management of its direction in the future, which is one of the most important roles of the administrative leadership at the present time. The research was initiated from a problem expressed by the care for people with disabilities, which is a matter of national security that prevents us from falling into many psychological and physical problems. They are the silent wealth of the nation whose voice must be heard by the world, especially after the number of Asian and international achievements made by the Iraqi National Paralympic Committee recently, despite the lack of regular players in sporting events within the committee. The aim of the research is to identify the role of strategic adaptation management in the integration of people with disabilities into society, as well as the relationship resulting from this adaptation in their involvement in suitable sports events in proportion to their preferences and inclinations. The researcher has specified the spatial scope of the study at the headquarters of the Iraqi National Paralympic Committee, and the temporal scope for the period from 1/1/2023 to 15/4/2023, in addition to the personnel represented by the administrative, technical, and player staff within the Iraqi National Paralympic Committee, the researcher examined the relationship and influence between "The management of adaptation strategy," which represents the behaviour of disabled, and "integration of people with disabilities." which represents the behaviour of sports leadership within the Iraqi National Paralympic Committee. Through this research, several theoretical and practical conclusions were reached, the most important of which are as follows:1- There is a significant relationship between the management of adaptation strategy and the integration of people with disabilities. 2- The (dependent variable) integrating people with disabilities in the research sample was significantly affected by the (independent variable) managing the adaptation strategy. The researcher recommended that the Iraqi National Paralympic Committee adopts a specific and well-planned policy in the field of integrating people with disabilities, and this includes the existence of action plans and work programs to implement such a policy in order to optimize the utilization of their abilities
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