Proposed Educational Curriculum Using the Teaching Stations Strategy to Learn Some Defensive Skills in Handball
Impact, Teaching Stations , Learning, HandballAbstract
The current research aims to investigate the impact of a proposed educational curriculum using the teaching stations strategy on learning some defensive skills in handball among third-stage students, Department of Physical Education, College of Basic Education. The problem of the research lies in the fact that handball is a team sport characterized by its various and interconnected skills. The researcher found a variation in the skill performance level of defensive skills in handball. If the players cannot perform the defensive skills effectively, it will affect their level and, consequently, weaken the defensive aspect among the students. Therefore, it is essential to focus on these skills. To achieve the research goal, the researcher used the experimental method as it suits the problem of the research. The study was applied to a sample consisting of (40) students divided into two groups. The experimental group comprised (20) students who learned using the teaching stations strategy, while the control group consisted of (20) students who learned through the traditional method. Both groups were subjected to skill tests that were applied after ensuring the scientific foundations for their application in terms of validity, reliability, and objectivity. The results demonstrated the superiority of the experimental group, which learned using the proposed curriculum with the teaching stations strategy, over the control group that learned through the traditional method, and this achieves one of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations in Iraq which is (Quality Education). In light of the findings, The researcher recommended a set of recommendations, one of the most important being the necessity of using the educational curriculum with the teaching station strategy in learning some defensive skills in other sports.
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