Strategic leadership among the heads of the national Olympic sports federations from the point of view of their members
Strategic Leadership, Olympic FederationsAbstract
The problem of the research lies in studying the current situation of the sports federations in Iraq in terms of the reality of their practice of strategic leadership. The current research aims to build a measure of strategic leadership among the heads of the national Olympic sports federations from the point of view of their members, and identifying the level of strategic leadership among the heads of the National Olympic Sports Federations from the point of view of their members. The researcher used the descriptive approach to suit the nature of the current research. The research sample included members of the national Olympic sports federations. The questionnaire was also used as a tool for collecting data. The researcher used the SPSS statistical package to analyze the data statistically and reached a set of conclusions, including building a suitable strategic leadership scale prepared by the researcher. To measure the level of the heads of the Iraqi Olympic Federations in the variables of strategic leadership according to (5) field distributed among (45) Paragraphs. The heads of the Iraqi Olympic federations have a high percentage of “initiative” from the federation members’ point of view, according to the percentages of the research sample’s response, and this field comes first among the other field of the scale. and this achieves one of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations in Iraq which is (Quality Education)
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