The effect of feedback (visual and written) through instant messaging and enhanced by assistance exercises to learn and retain the handstand skill




feedback (visual and written), instant and reinforced messaging, handstand skill


The importance of this study is highlighted by knowing the effect of displaying photographs and notes of the skill on the learner, but with a new means of presentation that differs from previous researchs, which is the use of instant messaging applications and the use of assistance exercises. The research problem was raised through the following question: Is the use of nutrition Feedback (visual and written) via instant messaging as an activity outside the lesson that has an effective impact on learning the handstand skill in gymnastics? Do assistance exercises as an activity outside the classroom have an effect on learning the skill of handstand in gymnastics? In light of the title and problem of the current research, the research aimed to identify the following: Identify the effect of using feedback (visual and written) through instant messaging and supported by exercises to help in learning and retaining the handstand skill among second-year students in the Department of Physical Education/College of Education, Shaqlawa, the research sample consists of second-year students in the Physical Education Department at the College of Education at Salahaddin University. After determining the research methodology, an experimental program was designed consisting of three groups with two experimental groups and a control group. After implementing the experiment and obtaining the results of the tests on the handstand skill, the data was transcribed and processed statistically, and conclusions were reached. The results showed that the educational program had an effective impact on learning the handstand skill in the three groups, with the effect varying between the groups. The results also showed that Feedback (visual and written) had an effective effect in retaining the handstand skill. It also turned out that feedback (visual and written) reinforced with assistance exercises is more effective in retaining the handstand skill. Through the conclusions, the researcher made several recommendations, the most important of which is the need to pay attention through various means of instant messaging and making it a central topic in the learning process, strengthening relationships between the teacher and the student through interest through correspondence for the purpose of science and knowledge, interest in diversifying the exercises to assist in the gymnastics lesson because of their importance in developing the level of artistic performance.


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How to Cite

Hawder Dilshad Abdul-Qader. (2024). The effect of feedback (visual and written) through instant messaging and enhanced by assistance exercises to learn and retain the handstand skill. Modern Sport, 23(1), 0143-0156.