Predicting Performance Outcomes in Fencing Based on Specific Physical and Motor Abilities Among Third-Year Female Students
Prediction, practical performance outcomes, physical and motor abilitiesAbstract
Fencing is considered a sport that requires a high level of coordination between physical and motor abilities. The importance of the research depends on the details of these abilities and their relationship to practical performance outcomes, in order to focus on them to achieve optimal outcomes. The research problem was the uncertainty about the future development that should occur among the research sample. Therefore, the study was conducted to predict the extent to which certain physical and motor abilities contribute to practical performance outcomes. The researchers aimed to identify and address this problem by answering the following question: Can practical performance outcomes be predicted based on certain physical and motor abilities among the research sample? The study aimed to investigate the relationship between physical and motor abilities and practical performance outcomes among the sample, to find the contribution of these variables to fencing performance results, and to predict practical performance outcomes in fencing based on certain physical and motor abilities in the sample. The research hypotheses indicated statistically significant relationships between the variables under study and practical performance outcomes in the sample. It was found that there is variability in the contribution of the variables to practical performance outcomes in fencing among the sample. The sample consisted of third-year female students from the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Women at the University of Baghdad. The tests under study were conducted, then categorized and statistically analyzed. It was concluded that there is a significant correlation between accuracy and the results of practical performance. The results emphasize the importance of physical and motor abilities in the sports field, along with the implementation of a specialized training program in order to develop these abilities, one of the recommendations is to conduct further studies examining the impact on other sports and different samples, as well as to carry out additional research on the contribution of abilities to various factors in skill level in fencing. and this achieves one of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations in Iraq which is (Quality Education).
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