The effect of a learning strategy for mastery in learning the skills of Setting volleyball for female students


  • Sarah Qassim Physical Education and Sport sciences college for women/ Baghdad University
  • Bushra Kadhum Abdul-ridha Physical Education and Sport sciences college for women/ Baghdad University



learning strategy for mastery


The aim of the research is to identify the extent of the impact of the learning strategy in order to be able to learn the skills Setting, with volleyball to female students, and the researchers assumed that there are no statistically significant differences between the pre and post tests and the control and experimental groups in addition to the post-test in the study variables, and the researcher used the experimental design of the two groups. Equivalent experimental and control for the purpose of comparison, and the research sample was determined after excluding students who had failed and practicing the game, so that the total number of the sample would be (40) students by (20) students for each group, and the duration of the curriculum lasted (3) weeks with two educational units per week on two days (Sunday, Monday) So that the total number of units became (6) educational units, and the curriculum was implemented by giving a period of (1) hour electronic learning by means of the computer method and the duration of the educational unit was (60) The researcher used the Statistical Package for Theoretical Sciences (SPSS) to extract (mean, the median, the standard deviation, the sekwenss, the T-test for paired samples, the (T) test. -test) for independent samples, and I concluded that the strategy has proven its effectiveness in the skills of Setting  for students at a level greater than the traditional method, and the level of development of study variables and statistical significance in the experimental group is greater than the level of development and statistical significance in the control group, and the effectiveness of learning and development increases with the use of visual techniques And the video and the means of communication because it provides a great scope for review, knowledge of mistakes and their return and reinforces the feedback to them, and recommended the necessity of using the learning strategy in order to master in other skills that require more complex skill capabilities such as spiking, blocking and defending the playing field, and the need to increase the use of modern graphic and video means and techniques. Computers because it increases feedback and enhances learning, and that includes even traditional methods of learning to be more effective.


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How to Cite

Sarah Qassim, & Bushra Kadhum Abdul-ridha. (2021). The effect of a learning strategy for mastery in learning the skills of Setting volleyball for female students. Modern Sport, 20(3), 0089.