Identify digital indicators for special tests to assess the skills of installing and undermining the scout tents among the participants in the scout teams


  • Mohammed Abdul-razzaq Nima Physical Education and Sport sciences college/ Al-Basrah University
  • Riadh Nouri Abbas Physical Education and Sport sciences college/ Al-Basrah University



Achieving the high scout level requires appropriate preparation and a high degree of accuracy and scientific in the early stages of the selection process scouts, especially in determining the special tests that may be the cornerstone on which the workers in this field are the scout leaders in the selection of scouts in terms of the skilled side and the speed of performance of basic skills, including the installation and strengthening of the scout tent, hence the importance of research in identifying digital indicators for special tests to assess the performance of scouts in the fields of installation and undermining scout tents in scout scouts The researchers came up with the fact that there are no tests and measurements that give an assessment of these skills. The researchers studied this problem by designing special tests to evaluate the performance of the installation and undermining of the scout tent and identifying digital indicators for it 


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How to Cite

Mohammed Abdul-razzaq Nima, & Riadh Nouri Abbas. (2021). Identify digital indicators for special tests to assess the skills of installing and undermining the scout tents among the participants in the scout teams. Modern Sport, 20(3), 0141.