Mental motivation and its relationship to the acquisition of some concepts of traffic safety For fifth grade students
Mental motivation, traffic safety concepts, 5th grade studentsAbstract
Motivation andt is relationship to the acquisition of some concepts of traffic safety for the fifth grade students. Using the mental motivatvation scale, whichconsists of(25)items ,and the test of developing some concepts of traffic safety,paragraphs ,and it was presented to experts and (38) which consists of specialists in the field of psychology ,and the two researchers used the statisitical package for social sciences (SpSS), and the resultsof the research showed that the mental motivation scale has a significant relationshipwith the test of developing some concepts of traffic safety relationship whth the test of developing someconcepts of traffic safety relationship with the test of deve loping some conceppts of traffic safety for fifth grade elementary school st ud en ts .primary school ,and the need for fifty grade elementary school students .primary school,and the need to prerepare mental develop ment and .exch ange inform ation on some concepts of traffic safety
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