The effect of the use of stylistic (training and reciprocal) in learning the skill of jumping on the jumping platform in the gymnastics of men


  • M.almutassim billah Waheib


methodology training and exchange


The aim of the research was to identify the effect of stylistic (training and reciprocal) in learning the skill of jumping on the jumping platform. This research was conducted during the period from 27/2/2018 to 27/4/2018 and on a sample of students in the third stage, (2) students were divided into two equal experimental groups, one of which was a first experiment. The second method was used. The second method was used. Each group consisted of (12) students after the parity process. The appropriate tests were selected by the researchers using the tools and aids in the research. Perform tribal tests on both groups and then v The 8 units of the educational units were implemented within 8 weeks after the post-tests were carried out, and then the results of the research were processed using the appropriate statistical methods


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How to Cite

M.almutassim billah Waheib. (2019). The effect of the use of stylistic (training and reciprocal) in learning the skill of jumping on the jumping platform in the gymnastics of men. Modern Sport, 18(1).