productive thinking for the trainers and players in the premier league of hand ball and its relationship arrangement of teams


  • M. Abdul-nassir Mirza Hamza M.M. Abdul-rahman Majeed Rasheed


productive thinking, teams arrangement


The research aims to the relationship of productive thinking between the playrs hand ball for the premier league arrangement of teames and Identifcation results of both productive thinking arrangement of teames for the trainers of teames in the premier league at hand ball and Identifcation of productive thinking for the trainers of teames in the premier league at hand ball, while the search problem was selected in the main question to answer this question,the tow researcher was able to forming hypotheses with statistical significance in productive thinking

Between trainers and playrs of hand ball for premier league and ther is relationship Between productive thinking and arrangement of teames in league, and to validate the hypotheses of the study the descriptive approach was used on the(30)of playrs(5)for each team and(12) trainers assistant coach, and the results of this research the level of productive thinking for playrs rises who received advaced positions and decreases with playrs of late positions


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How to Cite

M.M. Abdul-rahman Majeed Rasheed, M. A.- nassir M. H. (2019). productive thinking for the trainers and players in the premier league of hand ball and its relationship arrangement of teams. Modern Sport, 18(1).