Impact style of the changeable resistance in the development some of physical & functional changes for the National team for the badminton
The most better activities of sports that Badminton which develop the physical fitness , and the game needs the competition and more running and jumping as well as , the fast reaction and balance movement to association between the eyes and hands , hereby it needs to high felling and moving , specially when practice the extensive bits in the jumping or supporting , the player should be recognized the time of the ball when sending or receiving from the adversary .
It is very necessary to use technical and developed exercises to rise the members of national team of this game, that to develop it to highest level possible .
So the two researchers considered to take reorganization of felling Badminton and moving , that are very important for the players of the Badminton and to take suitable position s during the time of the game .
According to this point of view, we found the problem of the research that is studying the scientific and technical exercises. or Associated Exercises that mean individual ability to mix kinds of movement in one matrix , that has good properties in fitness ]for the sending and receiving , and the most common mistakes in the Badminton that be not recognized the movement and the suitable time which used in the reaction of the this game the two researchers used the experimental method top study the case of the national team of badminton that were (10) players and it was limited to ( 8) persons after replace two of them that to do the experience , than we divided them to two groups that was the average of the 80% from total that were each group (4) players .
While the testes were;-
- The exam of reorganization of the distance of side foot
- the exam of reorganization of the distance of the army
The two researchers tried to use the practice of training programs that were (26) training units with in ( 13) weeks two units weekly the period of the units is (120) moments , the time of the associated exercises is (20 moments) in each unit during the preparation of physical .
After that we do the distance training , whereas , they continue to do the physical training . .
We treat the result statically by the program spss
The two researchers had recognized that the :-
- the associated exercises have positive roles to develop the level of national teams of badminton .
- there was percent in some felling and moving capacities at the training group than the fitness group .
The two researchers recommended to use the associated exercises for the players of the national teams of badminton .
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