The Effect of Rehabilitative Exercises in a Sandy Environment on Improving the Range of Motion of the Knee Joint in Patients with Partial Meniscus (Medial) Tears Among Baghdad Volleyball Club Players


  • Riam Emad Jasim Physical Education and Sport Sciences college for women / University of Baghdad - Iraq
  • Huda Badawi Shibeeb Physical Education and Sport Sciences college for women / University of Baghdad - Iraq



Rehabilitation exercises, sandy environment, knee range of motion (extension-flexion), partial tear of the medial meniscus


Rehabilitation exercises are one of the principles of sports rehabilitation for treating sports injuries, including partial meniscus tears. Injuries occurring in body regions and organs, especially the knee joint, reflect the flexibility and sudden movements of other joints and the body as a whole. This prompted the researchers to find effective opportunities to enhance the functionality of these organs and provide what they lack. One such method is rehabilitation exercises in a sandy environment, which provides a safe setting. The research goal is to prepare rehabilitation exercises in a sandy environment for volleyball players in Baghdad clubs who are suffering from partial meniscus tears. Investigating the effect of rehabilitation exercises in a sandy environment on the range of motion (extension-flexion) of the knee joint in volleyball players from Baghdad clubs with partial meniscus tears. Exploring the differences between the experimental and control groups in improving the range of motion (extension-flexion) of the knee joint in volleyball players from Baghdad clubs with partial meniscus tears. As for the research methodology, the researchers employed an experimental approach with two experimental groups, using pre-test and post-test assessments. The rehabilitation exercises, primarily aimed at improving the range of motion (extension and flexion) of the knee joint in volleyball players from Baghdad clubs, were carefully planned. The researchers conducted a pre-test, followed by the rehabilitation exercises, and then post-tests to collect data for statistical analysis. After obtaining results and conclusions, the researchers recommend the following: 1- Adopt the rehabilitation exercises designed by the researchers for rehabilitating individuals with partial medial meniscus tears. 2- Implement these rehabilitation exercises in other training environments, such as aquatic settings, to treat the same injury or other lower limb injuries. and this achieves one of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations in Iraq which is (Good Health).


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How to Cite

Riam Emad Jasim, & Huda Badawi Shibeeb. (2024). The Effect of Rehabilitative Exercises in a Sandy Environment on Improving the Range of Motion of the Knee Joint in Patients with Partial Meniscus (Medial) Tears Among Baghdad Volleyball Club Players. Modern Sport, 23(2), 0047-0056.