The effect of the two reciprocal methods and small groups in developing social interaction and developing skill performance for some basic skills in football




reciprocal method, small groups, social interaction, skill performance


Teaching methods are considered an important component of the educational process, and a successful teacher is one who diversifies his teaching methods in a way that suits the abilities of the learners. The problem of the research emerges in that despite the multiplicity of teaching methods, teaching is still limited to the imperative method, especially in physical education subjects. Which is characterized by a practical nature that reflects the negative role of the student in the educational process. Therefore, the research aims to reveal the effect of the two interactive methods and small groups in developing social interaction and developing the skill performance of some basic football skills among first-year students in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences in the College of Education. Basic education at the University of Mosul for the academic year 2023-2024. The researcher used the experimental method, and the research sample included (40) students representing the two divisions (1 and 3), with (20) students in each division, where Division (1) practiced teaching in the reciprocal method to represent the experimental group. The first, as for Division (3), practiced teaching using the small group method to represent the second experimental group. Homogeneity was carried out for the two groups in the variables (age, mass, height), in addition to verifying equivalence in the pre-test in the dependent research variables. The units of the two methods were implemented, as it reached There are (8) units, one unit per week for each group. Then post-tests were carried out on the two groups, and the researcher used the statistical program (SPSS) to reach the results. The results showed the advantage of the reciprocal method in developing the skill performance of soccer skills, while it showed the advantage of the small group method. In developing social interaction among students, the researcher recommended the possibility of using the two methods in teaching students because of their positive impact in developing social interaction and developing skill performance in basic football skills. and this achieves one of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations in Iraq which is (Quality Education).


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How to Cite

Faiq Younis Ali Al-Sabaawi. (2024). The effect of the two reciprocal methods and small groups in developing social interaction and developing skill performance for some basic skills in football. Modern Sport, 23(2), 0093-0111.