The percentage of the contribution of some types of strength and the speed of the transition of the foods effectively offensive performance of the players of the Iraqi junior team dueling
Offensive performance fencing, strength, the transition speed of the legsAbstract
The study of the effectiveness of the offensive performance of the players of the Iraqi junior team participating in the Arab Championship fencing held in Cairo for the period from 12 to 15 February 2018 In terms and the contribution rate of some types of strength and the speed of the transition foods, the researchers used the descriptive manner relational relations. After conducting the main experiment on the research sample of (11) junior players, And processed data obtained statistically. Reached the most important conclusions: The results showed that there are significant differences between some types of strength (tolerance of strength and strength characteristic of speed) And the transition speed of the foot progress and progress and regression together And the effectiveness of offensive performance in the group stage and team matches for the Iraqi junior team. While there are no differences between them in the direct exit role. And contribute to low rates (24-28%). The researchers recommends the use of analysis and analysis of the results of Arab and regional tournaments, Especially in which the Iraqi teams participate in the fencing. It is important to invest the results of this research study to change the situation of the Iraqi teams duel for the better.
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