Effect of the competitive performance of football players with some functional indicators and energy expenditure


  • Saad Munim Nafia Al-Shekhly College of Political Science / University of Baghdad


competitive performance, energy expenditure, football


The competitive performance of football players has a key and important role, because it represents the maximum effort exerted during the game by the player, and is mainly related to the level of performance of the opposing team and the circumstances of the game, so the attention was paid by the concerned training process for the good numbers that ensure their continued performance effectively and skill And high accuracy throughout the duration of the game, and since each physical effort has been subjected to functional responses and adaptations of functional body devices, it was necessary to study these indicators to reach the results serve the training process through the use of these indicators for the purpose of employing the results of measurements, Heart and blood pressure) to provide us with cardiac oxygen consumed during the physical effort better than the use of the results of heart rate measurements alone to use a set of functional indicators, a quality of measurements based on raw data derived directly from the heart rate and blood pressure, and the interpretation of physiological indicators during the process Recovery healing


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How to Cite

Saad Munim Nafia Al-Shekhly. (2019). Effect of the competitive performance of football players with some functional indicators and energy expenditure. Modern Sport, 18(1), 219-226. https://jcopew.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/sport/article/view/1416