Emotional intelligence and its relationship to the pulse rate and respiration of Diyala Club handball players aged (15-17) years


  • Kamal Jassim Mohammed
  • Kamel Aboud Hussein


emotional intelligence, emotions, , heart rate and breathing


Emotional intelligence and its relationship with pulse rate and breathing in the players of diyala handball at the age of 15 -17 years

The aim of the research is to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and emotional management and its effect on the organization of heartbeat and breathing during the performance and effort of handball players at the age of 15- 17 years. Diyala sports clup the researcher used the emotional intelligence test ,for the sample of 20 players and after the imposition of the research there is a correlation between intelligence and during the effort and after rest


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How to Cite

Kamal Jassim Mohammed, & Kamel Aboud Hussein. (2019). Emotional intelligence and its relationship to the pulse rate and respiration of Diyala Club handball players aged (15-17) years. Modern Sport, 18(4), 279-284. https://jcopew.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/sport/article/view/1479