Study the reality of organizational climate in National Centers for Sport Talent Care from the trainers’ point of view


  • M. Marwa Khalid Khazaal
  • M. Faima Al-zahraa Nafaat


The importance of the study presents as it traces an important administrative component in the success of any institution, which is organizational climate, as it is an important source in the sustainability of the institution and the success of its work, especially institutions that are responsible for an important segment of society as a whole and the sports community in particular.

Research objective: Preparing a organizational climate scale. The two researchers used the analytical approach in a correlative approach to its relevance to the nature of the research problem. And the research community are the trainers of the National Center for Sports Talent, whose number is (226), as the number of the selected sample of them reached (40) trainers, at a rate of (9%).

Conclusions: The ability of the organizational climate scale represented by (31) items, which was prepared and adapted, to measure work ethics among the departments of the national centers for sports talent care in Iraq, which resulted in a good degree of organizational climate, but they are not at the level of ambition.


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How to Cite

M. Marwa Khalid Khazaal, & M. Faima Al-zahraa Nafaat. (2021). Study the reality of organizational climate in National Centers for Sport Talent Care from the trainers’ point of view. Modern Sport.