Finding a predictive equation for the level of development of the functional performance of the two teachers in indicative of the values of the level of organizational reality in the faculties and departments of physical education and sports sciences


  • Dr. Omar Nouri Abbas


included the research four sections contained the introduction of research and its importance and the functional performance of teachers and organizational reality was addressed as the organization is one of the most prominent challenges facing the teachers in universities. This made the interest in studying organizational reality, but the problem of research has emerged through equality, what is the contribution of organizational reality to the functional performance of the faculties and departments of physical education and sports sciences? The goal of the research is to identify the contribution of organizational reality to the functional performance of the two students


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How to Cite

Dr. Omar Nouri Abbas. (2021). Finding a predictive equation for the level of development of the functional performance of the two teachers in indicative of the values of the level of organizational reality in the faculties and departments of physical education and sports sciences. Modern Sport.