The functional affiliation of employees in sports management and its relationship to encouraging high performance motivation


  • Dr. Azzouz Mohammed
  • Dr. Ghazwan Aziz Muhsin


This study aims to find out the relationship of employee affiliation in the sports administration with the encouragement of high performance motivation in the sports institution. In this study, the analytical descriptive method was adopted, and the study was carried out on a random sample of a sample of workers at the Olympic boat Mohamed Boudiaf in Algeria, consisting of seven sports attachments. The sample number reached 58 individuals, a questionnaire was used depending on the assumptions of the study and the results of previous studies, and the most important results obtained were that there is a need to develop a reward system to achieve high performance for users in the sports institution in the field of study, and the most important recommendations were to review the rewards provided, especially the moral ones. And not being satisfied with the traditional ones, such as honorary certificates of end of service, but rather the creation of moral rewards in line with work, such as promotion.


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How to Cite

Dr. Azzouz Mohammed, & Dr. Ghazwan Aziz Muhsin. (2021). The functional affiliation of employees in sports management and its relationship to encouraging high performance motivation. Modern Sport.