The effect of the periodic investigation model on attentive control and learning the scoring skill from persistence and peaceful scoring in female basketball


  • Dr. Duaa Mohib Aldeen
  • M. Farah Alaa



The study aimed to identify the degree of attention control among students of the second stage in the college of university knowledge / Department of Physical Education and Sports Science and the preparation and implementation of educational units according to the periodic survey form to learn the scoring skill from persistence and peaceful scoring in the basketball for students and to identify the impact of the periodic survey model in attention control The scoring skill is learned from consistency and peaceful scoring in the basketball for students. As for the two research hypotheses, there are statistically significant differences between the results of the pre and post tests of the control and experimental groups in the attention control and learning the scoring skill from the stability and peaceful scoring in the basketball for students and there are statistically significant differences between the control and experimental research groups In the results of the post-tests in attentive control and learning the scoring skill from persistence and peaceful scoring in the basketball for female students, the two researchers used the experimental method with the two experimental and control groups with pre and post tests on the same sample of 42 female students of the second stage in the college of university knowledge, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, and they conducted My research The attention control on the sample of the main experiment as well as conducting skill tests after which the curriculum for the periodic investigation model was applied and then the researchers used the appropriate statistical methods to extract the results and in light of the results they reached a number of conclusions from them that the attention control helped the students to smart diversity in methods of thinking and solution The problems that face them and that teaching according to the periodic survey form led to the excitement of the previous experiences of the students and determining the requirements of the survey and in light of the findings, the researchers recommend examining the learners and knowing the levels of attention they have at the beginning of each educational season and the approval of the educational units prepared according to the periodic survey model in learning and developing the scoring skill From stability and peaceful goal.


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How to Cite

Dr. Duaa Mohib Aldeen, & M. Farah Alaa. (2021). The effect of the periodic investigation model on attentive control and learning the scoring skill from persistence and peaceful scoring in female basketball. Modern Sport, 20(3), 0175.