Building and codifying a scale of problems and obstacles to the application of the Law of Athletes, Champions and Pioneers


  • Asia Fadhil College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences for Women, University of Baghdad
  • Luma Sameer College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences for Women, University of Baghdad



Obstacles, problems, pioneers and heroes


Through viewing, direct petition and sports, the two researchers noticed that there is a reluctance to some of the necessary measures and needs that the institution must take, as well as the negatives and obstacles that accompany a law for the law of athletes, champions and pioneers. Their dear country, and it is our duty to respond, even in a small part, to them, and accordingly, this study attempts to address a real problem facing the Law of Athletes, Champions and Pioneers. and pioneers. To achieve the objectives of the research, the two researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey method to suit the nature of the problem. And the heroes and pioneers who showed their cooperation in the implementation of the experiment, and in appreciation of the effort expended in achieving objective results, in addition to that the two researchers took into account the scientific conditions for selecting the sample, as it was divided into (the exploratory experiment sample, the construction sample, the legalization sample) and then they built the questionnaire for the problems and negatives as they extracted Health scientific basis for obtaining a scale consisting of (6) Areas and (56) phrases and then used the appropriate statistical means to obtain the results, as the researchers reached several conclusions, including: The possibility of reaching the construction of a scale of obstacles and negatives The actual application of the Law of Athletes, Champions and Pioneers that the Law of Athletes, Champions and Pioneers have many obstacles and negatives according to the studied areas as they recommended the following The necessity to identify these problems and obstacles and work to overcome them so that the pioneer or sports champion can get his dues.The necessity of conducting other studies dealing with the amendment of the law on the law of athletes, champions and pioneers


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How to Cite

Asia Fadhil, & Luma Sameer. (2022). Building and codifying a scale of problems and obstacles to the application of the Law of Athletes, Champions and Pioneers. Modern Sport, 21(3), 0091.