علاقة القوة الخاصة وبعض المتغیرات الفسیولوجیة وانجاز الوثب الطویل لواثبي فئة الناشئین


  • هند سالم تايه

الكلمات المفتاحية:



• The study aims to
• •Find the values of some aspects of muscle strength and physiological variables and the completion of the long jump to jumpers of National Center for Giftedness sports for the junior class.
• •Find the type of relationship between some aspects of muscle strength
performed a long jump to jumpers of National Center for Giftedness
sports for the junior class.
• • Find the type of relationship between some physiological variables and the completion of the long jump to the National Center for jumpers care Lwahbh sports.
• Researcher used the descriptive method-style Correlative for suitability with the nature of the problem, conducted the study on the (10) players from the National Center for Giftedness athletic junior class hired a researcher to a number of physical tests and physiological and completion of the long jump, after finding transactions, scientific them and then get the data the researcher used means Statistical processing of the data.
• Researcher reach to:
• • The existence of significant relationship between moral speed-strength and long jump at the completion of study sample.
• • The existence of significant relationship between moral explosive power and long jump at the completion of the study sample.
• • The existence of significant relationship between the number of moral heart and systolic and diastolic blood pressure in a sample search.




كيفية الاقتباس

تايه ه. س. (2015). علاقة القوة الخاصة وبعض المتغیرات الفسیولوجیة وانجاز الوثب الطویل لواثبي فئة الناشئین. الرياضة المعاصرة, 14(4), 12. https://jcopew.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/sport/article/view/152