تزامن أسلوبي الامري و الاحتواء في الوحدة التعلیمیة لتعلم بعض المھارات الأساسیة بكرة القدم


  • محمد رحيم غاوي, م.م

الكلمات المفتاحية:

كرة القدم، المھارات، تعلم، الأسلوب، تزامن


Abstract The study aimed to use the principle of synchronization in the two styles Prince and containment in the module to learn some basic skills of football as a new educational means to reach through which to achieve the objectives and advantages of teaching physical education and the researcher suppose that there were statistically significant differences between the results of the tribal tests , post and post between the two groups(experimental and control) search on (30) containedand in favor of the experimental group, the sample students from fifth grade students were divided into two groups (experimental and control group) results skill tests showed that the principle of synchronization is an effective way to learn the skills of rolling and handling football and researcher recommended the need to use synchronization in education, especially learning football skills.

السيرة الشخصية للمؤلف

  • محمد رحيم غاوي, م.م

    الجامعة المستنصریة/ كلیة العلوم السیاسیة




كيفية الاقتباس

غاوي م. ر. (2015). تزامن أسلوبي الامري و الاحتواء في الوحدة التعلیمیة لتعلم بعض المھارات الأساسیة بكرة القدم. الرياضة المعاصرة, 14(2), 17. https://jcopew.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/sport/article/view/192