اثر تمرینات التدریب الذھني بأسلوبي التمرین الثابت والمتغیر في تعلم بعض المھارات الاساسیة بكرة الید


  • حاتم شوكت ابراهيم, م.د

الكلمات المفتاحية:

التدریب الذھني، التمرین الثابت، التمرین المتغیر


The goal of the research and Da exercises for training mental to learn some basic skills hand ball, as well as to identify the impact of the use of mental training and overlapping exercises two methods hard exercise and variable in learning some basic skills hand ball, and to identify the best combination between the groups three research to learn some basic skills Reel Alid.astkhaddm researcher experimental approach, involving research sample the second phase of the students in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science / University of Diyala and were randomized two-pronged distribution totals research to represent the Second Division (a) the first experimental group applied (hard mental training), and experimental group Second applied (mental training variable), and the Division II (c) to represent the control applied Group (followed college style), and the rate of (10) students per group and after tribal tests; to see equal totals Search variables (under study), and in the experiment President has been implemented mental training exercises two methods fixed and variable exercise for (12) and educational unit and by two units a week later was a posteriori tests, then the researcher used statistical bag of Social Sciences (spss) to address the results of his research, which included (mean, standard deviation, variance analysis (F), the least significant difference (LSD), and test (T.test). The researcher obtained a set of conclusions, including: The results demonstrated by the tests show that the educational exercises for the experimental groups have a positive and effective impact on learning some basic skills hand reel but rates varying with the superiority of the group that applied the mental training nested variable-style exe

السيرة الشخصية للمؤلف

  • حاتم شوكت ابراهيم, م.د

    كلیة التربیة البدنیة وعلوم الریاضة / جامعة دیالى




كيفية الاقتباس

ابراهيم ح. ش. (2015). اثر تمرینات التدریب الذھني بأسلوبي التمرین الثابت والمتغیر في تعلم بعض المھارات الاساسیة بكرة الید. الرياضة المعاصرة, 14(2 b), 16. https://jcopew.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/sport/article/view/216

الأعمال الأكثر قراءة لنفس المؤلف/المؤلفين