أثر كفاءة الجھاز التنفسي في ألانجاز الرقمي لعدائي ( -5001500 للشباب بأعمار دون( 20 )سنة


  • عباس فاضل جابر, ا.م.د
  • ماهر عبداللطيف عارف, ا.م.د

الكلمات المفتاحية:

التنفسي، شباب، كفاءة


A study conducted on a sample of runners ran (1500 m -5000 m) youth Reconstruction without (20) years to know the effect of the efficiency of the respiratory tract in the achievement digital The study aimed to identify the impact of the efficiency of the respiratory system of delivery for digital hostile (1500-5000) meters for youth ages without 20 years old and to identify the relationship between some of the functions of breath and time ran 1,500 meters and 5,000 meters for young people under the age of 20 years and get the equation predictive time-ran 1,500 meters and 5,000 meters for young people under the age of 20 years have been identified measurements that will be used in the research is vital capacity of the lungs VC)) and vital capacity rapid ( FVC) and the volume of exhaled air after the first second (FEV1) and the percentage of the volume of exhaled air after the first second (FEV1%) and the average maximum speed of exhalation (MMF) and compression force exhaled air - rate the passage of exhaled air (PEF) has concluded the researchers to some of the findings, including the existence of correlation between some of the functions of breath and time ran (1500-5000) meters for youth and appeared vital capacity of the lungs during rest (VCr) preference efficiency Respiratory to hostile five thousand meters on the hostile thousand and five hundred meters clearly. emerged as functions of breathing contribute to the time he ran (1500) m is the rate of passage of exhaled air PEF and jointly by (41.55%), followed by vital capacity maximum (FVC) by (5.71%) and the volume exhaled air after the first second (FEV1) increased by 3.55% and the three variables contribute by 49.11% at the time ran the 1,500 meters. The functions of breathing contribute to the long run (5000 meters) is the volume of exhaled air after the first second (FEV1), which contributes to increased 39.22%, followed by vital capacity maximum (FVC) increased by 14.13% and the maximum breathing reflex - the largest amount of air per minute (MVV) 4.41% three variables contribute to 56.54% at the time ran the 5000 meters.




كيفية الاقتباس

جابر ع. ف., & عارف م. ع. (2014). أثر كفاءة الجھاز التنفسي في ألانجاز الرقمي لعدائي ( -5001500 للشباب بأعمار دون( 20 )سنة. الرياضة المعاصرة, 13(2), 13. https://jcopew.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/sport/article/view/272

الأعمال الأكثر قراءة لنفس المؤلف/المؤلفين