The Effect of UPPER IOWER-Style Exercises on Developing some Physical Abilities and Complex Offensive Skills for Basketball Players Aged 17-18 Years


  • Fadhil Tariq Amin Abdul Karim Al-Zubaidi College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/ Al-Mustansiriya University – Iraq



UPPER IOWER exercises, combined offensive skills, basketball


The advanced level of achievements achieved by developed countries, whether in individual or team sports, was not by chance, but rather came about through scientific studies and research programmed according to modern trends and paths, as well as the result of the effective use of the results of research and studies that have a fundamental role in Developing the athletic level and achieving the best achievements in various sports. Choosing the appropriate training method is one of the factors that is given great importance in sports training. One of these training methods is UPPER IOWER style exercises, which is a system that divides the number of training days into only two days throughout the week. The first part of the training days is to fully exercise the upper part, which includes (back, chest, arms, abdomen), and the second training day is completely for the lower half of the body, which is the legs completely. Sports training leads to changes in physical abilities, so when training their teams, coaches must pay attention to choosing abilities that are consistent with the skill performance requirements of the game, and through the researcher’s contemporaneity with the game, his follow-up of it, and the interviews he conducted with basketball coaches, he noticed that there is a problem related to the training aspect - Physical ability, which lies in the lack of interest of some coaches in focusing on training physical abilities, in a modern style, including the (UPPER IOWER) method, whose performance is consistent with the specificity of the player’s performance in the match, despite the fact that its development has an important and influential role in the performance of skills in general and complex attacking in particular. During the match, which constitutes an obstacle and requires research into it from the researcher’s point of view in order to contribute to improving the level of basketball players and the game at the same time. The research aims to prepare UPPER IOWER-style exercises for basketball players and to identify the effect of UPPER IOWER-style exercises on some physical abilities and some skills. Combined offensive attack for basketball players. The experimental approach was used in a one-group manner, and it was conducted on the players of the Oil Sports Club. Pre- and post-tests were conducted for the research variables, and the training units continued from 1/10/2024 until 3/10/2024. It was concluded that the exercises prepared in the UPPER IOWER style proved their importance and role in the sporting aspect, and that the exercises in the UPPER IOWER style brought about development in some of the physical abilities and complex offensive skills of the players of the Oil Sports Club. The researcher recommends using exercises prepared in the UPPER IOWER style in the Naft Sports Club for basketball and working on developing physical abilities and complex offensive skills because of their effective role in preparing the Naft Sports Club.  and this achieves one of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations in Iraq which is (Good Health).                                                                                                                


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How to Cite

Fadhil Tariq Amin Abdul Karim Al-Zubaidi. (2024). The Effect of UPPER IOWER-Style Exercises on Developing some Physical Abilities and Complex Offensive Skills for Basketball Players Aged 17-18 Years. Modern Sport, 23(3), 0019-0025.