The Role of Psychological Well-Being in Reducing Competition Stress Among Junior Artistic Gymnasts
Psychological Well-being, Competition Stress, Junior Artistic GymnasticsAbstract
The objective of the study was to develop two scales: one for psychological well-being and another for competition stress among junior artistic gymnasts. It aimed to assess the level of psychological well-being among these gymnasts, determine the level of competition stress they experience, and explore the role of psychological well-being in reducing competition stress. The hypothesis posited that there is a significant correlation, contribution, and impact of the psychological well-being scale results on the competition stress scale results within the research sample. The descriptive approach using the correlational relationships method was adopted, targeting a sample of junior artistic gymnasts for the 2023/2024 sports season. The sample was naturally distributed across 15 gymnastics centers in Baghdad and other provinces, comprising a total of 146 players who were intentionally selected using a comprehensive census method, achieving a 100% inclusion rate. From this population, 6 players were randomly selected for the pilot sample, representing 4.11% of the original population. Additionally, 75 players were randomly chosen for the scale development sample, accounting for 51.37% of the original population. The remaining 65 players were designated for the primary research application sample, making up 44.521% of the original population. After constructing the two scales, a survey was conducted over a specified period from February 28, 2024, to March 14, 2024, on the main research application participants. The results were then processed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The conclusions indicated that the psychological well-being and competition stress scales for gymnastics are suitable for the purposes for which they were developed and are appropriate for junior artistic gymnasts. These scales adhere to the scientific foundations and criteria necessary for acceptance in the field of sports psychology. The findings revealed that junior artistic gymnasts possess a level of psychological well-being that enables them to reduce competition stress. Moreover, an increase in psychological well-being contributes to a decrease in competition stress, demonstrating a linear, positive correlation and impact. The recommendations emphasized the need for gymnastics coaches to focus on creating an appropriate training environment that enhances psychological well-being due to its significant role in reducing competition stress among junior artistic gymnasts. Regular psychological monitoring of both phenomena studied—psychological well-being and competition stress—is advised through periodic assessments, with the current scales serving as reliable tools for this purpose. Additionally, it is crucial to avoid overburdening gymnasts with excessive training demands, reduce pressure, and prevent fatigue. Efforts should also be directed toward boosting their self-confidence to mitigate the escalation of competition stress among junior artistic gymnasts. and this achieves one of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations in Iraq which is (Quality Education).
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