بناء مقیاس تحقیق الذات لدى طلبة كلیة التربیة الریاضیة


  • علي صبحي خلف, ا.م.د


مقیاس, طلبة, بناء, الذات


The research consisted of five chapters; the first chapter tackled the introduction and importance of the research. The researcher focused on students' . The problem of the research was that the researcher noticed anxiety in students. lesson after failing to perform certain skills which negatively affect their identity achievement. The researcher used for this research self – achievement scale for students. This scale was designed because of the lack of such scale in the field of physical education.
The concept of achievement was tackled in details as well as Arkinson's theory that the researcher used in their research. The researcher followed a scientific
program to collect the data which they treated using proper statistical methods
including t – tests and Person's correlation. After finding the results the researcher
came up with many conclusions specially that physical education students have
have high level of self – achievement




How to Cite

خلف ع. ص. (2014). بناء مقیاس تحقیق الذات لدى طلبة كلیة التربیة الریاضیة. Modern Sport, 13(1), 11. https://jcopew.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/sport/article/view/286