Effect of Interval low Training Intensity in the development of Agility Status and Accuracy at the volleyball beginners of reception from transmission


  • Dr. Hamadullah Abid


intermediate method, fitness, transmitter reception accuracy


The study aimed at the effect of low intensity training in the development of fitness and improve the accuracy of the skill of receiving the ball from the transmitter The study was conducted on 12 players from Anbar volleyball team aged 12-13 years The test was carried out by the working team in accordance with the correct scientific methods followed. The training curriculum prepared by the researcher was applied for 8 weeks by 4 training modules per week in a low-intensity training method 70-80% of the maximum sample capacity The post-tests were carried out in the same way as in the tribal tests. The data and results were collected and processed statistically and presented in a table The researcher concluded that the low-intensity infant training led to the development of fitness and improve the accuracy of reception of the ball from the transmitter in the sample of the study and recommended the adoption of this type of training to develop the variables under study among the volleyball beginners


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How to Cite

Dr. Hamadullah Abid. (2019). Effect of Interval low Training Intensity in the development of Agility Status and Accuracy at the volleyball beginners of reception from transmission. Modern Sport, 18(1). https://jcopew.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/sport/article/view/1057