The effect of Battle rope exercises to develop some physical and motor abilities and the accuracy of performing the smash hit skill for volleyball players
Battle rope, crushing blowAbstract
Researchers tended to use a variety of methods. Battle rope exercises are one of those methods that are a means to improve the skillful and physical aspects, and the physical and motor abilities are considered one of the pillars on which the physical and skillful preparation depends, and their importance increases in the accuracy of the crushing skill of hitting the volleyball, and from here comes the importance of the re-search with the necessity of diversifying training methods and tools, as it may be the use of exercises Battle rope is the best method for improving the physical level of the players, and their effect is reflected on the accuracy of the skill of the crushing blow. Through the follow-up of the two researchers and their interview with the coach and dialogue with him regarding the players in the specialized center for volleyball, they found weakness in the physical and motor capabilities of the players, which was reflected in the accuracy of the skill of the crushing strike, which prompted The two re-searchers attempted to find out the effect of battle rope exercises on the physical and motor abilities and the accuracy of the smashing skill of the volleyball players. The aim of the research is to prepare Battle rope exercises for the Volleyball Specialist Center and to identify the effect of Battle rope exercises on some physical and motor abilities and the crushing accuracy of volleyball. The two researchers used the experimental design with one experimental group, and the research sample consisted of (10) players in the sport of volleyball. It was chosen by the intentional method, and the duration of the implementation of the training program lasted (8) weeks, at the rate of (3) training units per week. The crushing blow of volleyball players, and the results demonstrated the development of the research group in the explosive ability, which is distinguished by the speed of the arms, and the results demonstrated the development of the research group in agility and compatibility. Similar studies on different age groups.
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