The relationship between pushing force and some bio kinematic variables, and the accuracy of the shooting skill while jumping forward in handball
Push force, handball shooting skillAbstract
The introduction of the research concluded that adhering to the results of kinetic analysis and implementing them practically in training leads to the improvement of human performance and constructing a philosophy specifically for developing kinematic aspects based on mechanical performance evaluation. This helps in identifying the areas of strength and weakness, and working on their development through achieving correct kinematic conditions, this type of shooting, which is shooting from a forward jump, requires a clear physical effort from the players during the competition. Mastering this type of shooting for long periods throughout the duration of the race is what tips the scale of success and victory in the competition through the number of well-executed goals that enter the goal of the opposing team in the matches. The problem of the research lies in the lack of information that definitively determines the most important bio kinematic variables that have the most impact on accuracy, which confuses the work of both the coach and the players. Consequently, reaching a correct performance that corresponds to and matches the optimal performance of this skill will raise the level of our players skilfully. The aim is to provide and equip all players and coaches with sufficient information that makes the shooting process, especially the skill of shooting from a forward jump and its biomechanical variables, within understanding, in order to reach the best achievements to keep pace with other teams, and this is what we all seek; therefore, the researchers considered the relationship between the push force and some bio kinematic variables in the skill of shooting from a forward jump in handball. The aim of the research is to identify the degree of push force in the steps of the shooting skill from a forward jump, the accuracy degree of the shooting skill from a forward jump, the differences in push force for the steps of shooting from a forward jump, and the relationship between the push force at the moment of rising, some bio kinematic variables, and the accuracy of shooting from a forward jump. The research hypothesized the existence of a significant correlation between the push force and some bio kinematic variables in the skill of shooting from a forward jump in handball. The descriptive method was used on a purposely selected sample of (10) players from Al-Karkh Sports Club. The researchers reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which was: the largest amount of push force was for the last step preceding the scoring. This confirms the increase in force and the smoothness of its transfer to the last step, then its transfer through the body parts, and then to the tool (the ball). The purpose of the high push is to reach the highest point for the purpose of shooting with power and accuracy, each variable of push force and the variables (contact time, flight time, height of the body's centre of mass, and foot strike) plays a major role in the accuracy of shooting skill from the forward jump. The researchers concluded with these recommendations: it's essential that coaches pay attention to the variables of push force, flight time, contact time, height of the body's centre of mass, and foot strike) due to their effective contribution to skill performance, along with explaining how to utilize them to achieve optimal performance
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