The use of the Generative Learning Model and its impact on developing deductive thinking and academic achievement in the subject of Measurement and Evaluation for students in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


  • Ban Abdul-rahman Ibrahim Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / College of Basic Education / Al-Mustansiriya University
  • Israa Yaseen Abdul-kareem Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / College of Basic Education / Al-Mustansiriya University


Generative Learning Model, Deductive Thinking, Academic Achievement


The mind and thinking play a significant role in an individual’s life. Through them, one can adapt to the ever-changing and fast-paced rhythms of modern times. Therefore, there is an urgent need to improve the way students think, and the development of their intellectual abilities has become a crucial requirement in contemporary education. It is essential to train students in thinking skills so that they can actively engage with the challenges of today’s world and solve its problems, aiming to enhance the well-being of their community.

Contemporary learning must focus on utilizing mental processes among students to make their learning more efficient and capable of addressing real-life issues. When students use their minds to recognize relationships between pieces of information or adopt analytical steps to find solutions in an organized manner, they reach a level of thinking called deductive thinking. This type of thinking involves discovering the relationships and systems that link information together. It connects causes to effects and requires individuals to use higher mental processes (understanding, differentiation, analysis, criticism, and deduction).

Thus, it is crucial to develop deductive thinking in students as a fundamental goal of teaching measurement and evaluation. It aims to assist students in applying the information and knowledge provided to solve problems they encounter in everyday situations. It also helps them derive new information from available data, as well as identify correct and useful information. Training students to study deductive thinking enables them to learn independently, thereby increasing their confidence in their abilities and their vitality and effectiveness in different educational settings. Moreover, enhancing their reasoning skills is an essential tool that aids them in innovation, applying knowledge, and solving real-life problems.


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How to Cite

Ban Abdul-rahman Ibrahim, & Israa Yaseen Abdul-kareem. (2019). The use of the Generative Learning Model and its impact on developing deductive thinking and academic achievement in the subject of Measurement and Evaluation for students in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. Modern Sport, 18(1), 21-32.