The impact of using plyometric exercises on developing the biomechanics of the drop shot skill in badminton for youth.


  • Mohammed Hussein Hamidi University of Misan / College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • Ahmed Abdul Zahra University of Al-Qadisiyah / College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • Sarah Khalid Radi




The impact of the use of exercises in the development of Byumkanikih Albulaaometruc performance skill paintbrush projection plane for youth                 
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hamidi Maysan University / Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science                
Prof. Dr. Karima Hussein Silverline Mustansiriya University / College Open wild
MB Sarah Khaled Radi             
Find the Introduction We have included touched researcher where that overlap between the possible mathematical sciences of things affecting flowing in raising performance levels including Albayumkanak science, which contributed to the scientific progress of the Lada motor for humans in general and sports in particular and the main content of this science in the field of physical education is in the study of the causes of the movement occurs, any interested internal and external forces that cause it provides the most appropriate solutions using kinetic analysis, which constitutes the initial hypotheses and introductions of scientific learning to rationalize the relationship of the various sporting events including badminton. Researchers have touched the door in the third to research procedures were the following Alnhawwa. The researchers used the experimental method and design of the two groups equal to the suitability of the nature of the problem to be resolved have been identified research community (8) players who are players elected Maysan province paintbrush plane to the category of young people, and then knead was selected sample Find the way intentional totaling (6) players have accounted for ( 75%) as was the exclusion of players to Ajraihma exploratory experiment. Sample was divided into two groups a control group and the experimental group and randomly brought together each group (3) player Part IV has been present and discuss the findings of its researchers during the search process and the containment of Title V on the conclusions and recommendations of researchers have concluded a set of conclusions, including                 
Shall Albulaaometruc exercises that are similar in track motor with motor skill course of working on the technical functioning of that skill development
-zaor A positive influence in the development of distinctive force as soon as the arms and legs using Albulaaometruc experimental group exercises and all of the tests. The recommendations                
- It must be trained on the foundations of knowledge of the rules and Albyumkanak and kinetic analysis in addition to other sciences in order for them proper training in accordance with the scientific basis and the correct information


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How to Cite

Mohammed Hussein Hamidi, Ahmed Abdul Zahra, & Sarah Khalid Radi. (2019). The impact of using plyometric exercises on developing the biomechanics of the drop shot skill in badminton for youth. Modern Sport, 18(2), 195-208.