The Impact of Using Parachute Training on Developing Certain Strength Forms and Enhancing the 400-Meter Running Performance for Athletes with Cerebral Palsy (Class 37-38)


  • Imaan Abdul Amir Zaoon Al-Khazraji University of Baghdad / College of Physical Education
  • Ahmad Mohammed Ismail Al-Ani niversity of Baghdad / College of Physical Education
  • Aqeel Hamid Awda Al-Izergawi Ministry of Youth and Sports


Parachute training, muscular strength, cerebral palsy, running, endurance, Class 37-38


This study aims to examine the impact of parachute training on developing strength and improving the 400-meter running performance for athletes with cerebral palsy (Class 37-38). Parachute training introduces resistance that increases the effort exerted by the athletes, thus enhancing muscular strength and endurance. Results showed that parachute training led to significant improvements in strength and speed, reducing the 400-meter race completion time for this category.


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How to Cite

Imaan Abdul Amir Zaoon Al-Khazraji, Ahmad Mohammed Ismail Al-Ani, & Aqeel Hamid Awda Al-Izergawi. (2019). The Impact of Using Parachute Training on Developing Certain Strength Forms and Enhancing the 400-Meter Running Performance for Athletes with Cerebral Palsy (Class 37-38). Modern Sport, 18(2), 353-358.