The effect of cardio exercises on developing the strength (explosive- characterized by speed) of the muscles of the legs and arms of volleyball players


  • Iman Faiq Salih Physical Education and Sport Sciences college for women / Baghdad University
  • Ban Jihad Umran Physical Education and Sport Sciences college for women / Baghdad University



In the first section, the development in the field of sports training was discussed. Developments achieved by sporting events were the result of their reliance on the application of physical exercises. The importance of the research lies in the use of cardio exercises and applied to the research sample as special exercises to increase the strength of players and increase physical fitness. And the definition of trainers the importance of those exercises.

1- The research objectives are represented in Prepare cardio exercises to develop explosive force and characteristic speed of the muscles of the arms and legs of volleyball players

2-identify the impact of cardio exercises in the development of explosive power and characteristic speed of the muscles of the legs and arms of volleyball players  As for the imposition of the research, there was no statistically significant differences between the pre- and post-test of the research sample. The researcher used the experimental method for one group and a sample of (18) players representing the team of education Baghdad / Rusafa first year (2016/2017). Homogeneity (8) players were selected to represent the sample of the study and who applied these exercises as well as the use of tools and devices appropriate for the research procedures and identify tests for explosive strength and distinctive speed of the arms and legs, the researcher conducted the tribal tests on the selected sample was developed Coordination and cardio exercises for 8 weeks with three training modules, and tests were conducted posteriori under the same circumstances in which tribal tests were conducted after the results were processed statistically, the researchers reached the door to the fifth set of conclusions recommendations:

-The results of the research showed that physical training using cardio exercises was effective in developing physical abilities under investigation.

-Research results showed that physical development using cardio exercises was reflected in performance development.

The recommendations

-The need for serious attention by trainers using cardio exercises in training to develop physical abilities under consideration by allocating sufficient time during the training unit.

- The researcher recommends using these training methods to develop other physical abilities.


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How to Cite

Iman Faiq Salih, & Ban Jihad Umran. (2020). The effect of cardio exercises on developing the strength (explosive- characterized by speed) of the muscles of the legs and arms of volleyball players. Modern Sport, 19(2), 0031.