construct scales trends and constraints of e-learning in the light of the Corona pandemic from the point of view of students in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences in the College of Basic Education


  • Omar Abdul-hakam
  • Dr. Ahmed Muaied Hussein


The importance of the current research lies in finding a measure of trends towards e-learning from the viewpoint of students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the College of Basic Education at the University of Mosul, and the research problem emerged in the absence of a scale for students ’attitudes towards e-learning, and to identify their orientations towards this type of Education being an important part of the educational process, and the current research aims to build a measure of attitudes of students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences towards electronic education. The measure of trends towards electronic education has been reached from the viewpoint of students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences in the College of Basic Education, and the researchers recommend Attention to strengthening students' attitudes toward e-learning by increasing the number of lectures, workshops and seminars for students towards e-learning


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How to Cite

Omar Abdul-hakam, & Dr. Ahmed Muaied Hussein. (2021). construct scales trends and constraints of e-learning in the light of the Corona pandemic from the point of view of students in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences in the College of Basic Education. Modern Sport.