The Effect of Ballistic trainings on Developing the Explosive Ability, Speed and Accurracy of some of the basic Skills of Young Players in Soccer


  • Dr. Mohammed Ali Majeed


Various methods were adopted to elevate the player's abilities.  The Ballistic Method is one of them. It is characterised by its high acceleration. The importance of the research lies in recognising the range of the effect of using the ballistic trainings on developing the explosive ability, speed and accuracy of some of the basic skills in soccer.

The problem of the research is: Will these trainings assist the development of the explosive ability, speed and accuracy of the performance of some basic skills in soccer?, Will the development of the explosive ability, speed and accuracy reflect positively on some basic skills in soccer?. The research aims at preparing Ballistic trainings and to know their effect on developing the explosive ability, speed and accuracy of some of the basic skills of the sample, as well as to know the effect of these trainings on some of the basic skills of the sample.

The experimental method is used with the design of the equivalent groups of post and pre- tests. The community of the research is specified by the young players of the governorate of Baghdad and the sample is represented by the young players of Amanat Bagdad Club which consists of (20) players.

The previously prepared trainings are applied on the experimental group as (30) training units, (3) units a week. The results are presented and discussed according to scientific bases and by these results came out the conclusion. The use of various intense powers of high speed affects the smoothness of the performance and the development of the achievement.

The Ballistic trainings play a significant role in developing the topical abilities. The necessity of using the Ballistic trainings is one of the recommendations for the young players. In addition, it is a necessity to use Ballistic trainings to develop the muscle capacity for its relation with the development of the speed abilities consequently its effect on the performance of skills


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How to Cite

Dr. Mohammed Ali Majeed. (2019). The Effect of Ballistic trainings on Developing the Explosive Ability, Speed and Accurracy of some of the basic Skills of Young Players in Soccer. Modern Sport, 18(1).