The Effect of the High Repetitions Method on Developing Strength Endurance in the Arms and some Basic Wheelchair Basketball Skills for Youth


  • Zuhair Salim Abdul-Razzaq Student Activities Department/ University of Basrah – Iraq



high repetitions, strength endurance, basic skills, chair basketball


The importance of the research is evident in raising the level of muscular strength endurance in the arms for wheelchair basketball players for the purpose of achieving better results in the match by providing the important and basic physical requirement for this game, in addition to delivering scientific information to basketball coaches about the method of high-repetition training and its role in developing muscular strength endurance. And offensive skill performance in wheelchair basketball. The most important objectives of the research were: identifying the effect of the high-repetition method on developing strength endurance in the arms and some basic wheelchair basketball skills for youth. Research methodology: The researcher used the experimental method with a two-group design (control and experimental) for its suitability in solving the research problem and achieving its objectives. Research community and sample: The research community was determined by the players of the Maysan Sports Team Committee for the Disabled for the sports season (2022-2023) participating in the Iraqi Premier League. Their number reached (15 players) and they are accredited and registered in the list of the Iraqi Central Federation. (5) were excluded due to the difference in the degree of their disability. For this reason, the research sample became (10) players, constituting (66.67%) of the original population, and they were divided randomly (by lottery) into two control and experimental groups. The number of each group was (5) players, and the following was concluded: The high repetition method is important in the process of developing endurance. Arm strength and some basic wheelchair basketball skills for youth. The recommendations were. Adopting the high repetition method is important in the process of developing endurance, strength in the arms and some basic skills in wheelchair basketball for youth. and this achieves one of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations in Iraq which is (Good Health).


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How to Cite

Zuhair Salim Abdul-Razzaq. (2024). The Effect of the High Repetitions Method on Developing Strength Endurance in the Arms and some Basic Wheelchair Basketball Skills for Youth. Modern Sport, 23(3), 0090-0098.